
Evening Exposures

This past month has been a busy one. My partner and I have made the move from Regina, Saskatchewan to Victoria, B.C. Craig started a job with UVic in the IT department and I am giving this freelance photography and videography world a shot. Before moving to Victoria, I had only been here once before for a couple days in the fall. So the last few weeks have been full of exploring.

I’ve been sticking to the coast for now. There are hidden little beaches and coves around every corner. I’ve gotten lost a couple of times, and a good rule is go down the hill, you will reach the ocean eventually. Just down hill from our place is the ocean, Dallas Road Beach, and I try and visit it everyday.

Exploring this weekend took us to the beach. We set off with a bottle of wine and a tripod to try our hands at some long exposures. I love how the waves look like fog, and mist. It creates an instant mood. Not bad for a first try.


Dallas Road Beach in Victoria, BC at dust. Photo by Kim Jay


A storm rolls into Victoria, BC just after sunset on March 15, 2013. Photo by Kim Jay


The lights from the homes in Gonzales Bay light up the beach. Across the water the reflection of Port Angles, Washington can be seen. Photo by Kim Jay.

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